The Grief Directory connects families of affected by political violence with those who want to help. We identify the families and match them with appropriate resource people who can meet those needs.

The able to effectively we need feet on ground. YOU.

We need you make home visits, interview families, document cases, carry out other organizational tasks that may be needed. For field visits, to strive ensure your safety by arranging visits in groups, and with an escort if needed.


  • Help on special days like birthdays, wedding anniversaries, or death anniversaries the ones who have died and special occasions of ones who remain.
  • Have meals with bereaved families
  • Accompany to graveyard
  • Baby sit
  • Accompany to offices, banks, hospitals
  • Make home visits to identify and verify deserving cases
  • Deliver aid/ration/supplies
  • Document cases, make phone videos, interviews
  • Assist in organizing TGD events
  • Assist in identifying resource people
  • Manage twitter, facebook page, website
  • Research and write content for website
  • Manage database and communications
  • Write funding proposals
  • Write about TGD on social media and newspapers
  • Spread love!

For not interested in field-work, at assign desk work of documentation, research, event/media management etc.

What you part of The Grief Directory?

  • An opportunity to reach out those who have suffered untold tragedy and suffering
  • To develop compassion and empathy
  • To become better, more aware, responsible and proactive citizens

Your hours of service are counted and you entitled to certificate.

If you looking more formal association you can register for Young Peacemakers Program.